July 2020
Hello July
July is UV Safety Month, a perfect time to freshen up on the importance of UV safety
We recognize that the sun feels good and motivates you, but it can be your skin’s worst enemy.

June 2020
Celebrate Dad! Do Something Special!
Happy Father’s Day. Enjoy the day with those you love most!
Father’s Day is the perfect opportunity to show your father, grandfather, husband, or brother what a wonderful person you think he is! Spending time with family is surely at the top of his wish list.

May 2020
For The Mom Who Has It All
It’s Not Your Typical Mother’s Day Celebration! Mother’s Day is May 10th.
This year, more than ever, it will be vital to be super creative with your Mother’s Day sentiments.

March 2020
Yes, You Really Should Be Outside
It’s so important to step outside.
You’ll feel better. Time after time, studies have shown how being outside decreases levels of cortisol, the body’s main stress hormone. Your heart rate will also go down, along with levels of inflammation.

February 2020
Love is in the Air at the Spa!
February is a time for chocolates, roses and Valentines. It reminds us to tell those we love how much we care about and cherish them. Thankfully, the gifts don’t have to stop at flowers and candy, and there’s no rule against treating yourself to a few Valentine’s Day gifts as well! Whether you’re married, in a relationship or single, there’s always a spa way to celebrate Valentine’s Day!

January 2020
3 Things No One Ever Told You About New Year's Resolutions
We know all about the typical New Year’s resolutions, but this year we wanted to share something new and something real. Because we’re all a little tired of the basic resolutions and we wanted something MORE. We hope you love these tips as much as we do!
1. Ease into New ResolutionsWho ever said resolutions had to be all or nothing? It’s okay if you have an off day and the next you’re right back on track. Going all or nothing can actually be counterintuitive because it causes withdrawal-like feelings. Take it easy, take it slow and ease into resolutions. You are more likely to keep them when you make small changes over time.

December 2019
4 Steps to a Less Stressful Holiday
We love so much about the holidays: tasty treats, twinkling lights and festive parties. However, we don’t love the stress it often brings. This year, we’ve set out to give you easy steps to a less stressful holiday. Because, if you aren’t having fun then why are you doing it?!
1. Ask Your Family What’s ImportantDitch over-the-top holiday traditions and ask your spouse/partner and kids to list their favorite holiday activities (don’t forget to list yours too!).

November 2019
Top Skin Care Tips In Honor of National Healthy Skin Month
1. Avoid Harsh Chemicals in ProductsMany retail products contain a large number of toxins. Don’t shop without expert advice!
2. Examine Your Skin RegularlyLook for new or unusual spots, itching, rashes or bleeding. Your skin is a window to health, and it’s important to check your skin regularly. This is especially true if you have a number of moles. Have an aesthetician look at your skin.

October 2019
Treat Hyperpigmentation, Fine Lines & Summer Damage
September celebrates Self-Care Awareness Month, which at first glance maybe seems like something you already know how to do. We encourage you to dig deeper and ask yourself the following questions to see if you truly are practicing self-care on a daily basis.

September 2019
Tips To Put Yourself First & Practice Self-Care Daily
September celebrates Self-Care Awareness Month, which at first glance maybe seems like something you already know how to do. We encourage you to dig deeper and ask yourself the following questions to see if you truly are practicing self-care on a daily basis.

August 2019
How To Create Healthy Lifestyle Habits That YOou Can Stick With
August is National Wellness Month, and while we strive to celebrate wellness and self-care all year round, this is the perfect time to highlight the importance of taking care of yourself.

July 2019
3 Reasons Professional Waxing Is Better Than Shaving
If there was such a thing as a shaving support group, we would be on board with joining. Or we could just start waxing and forget the lifelong emotional damage shaving has caused.

June 2019
Five Well-Being Tips For Global Wellness Day
Global Wellness Day began in Turkey in 2012 and has spread to be a worldwide celebration. Wellness is something we are always on board with, so we’ve shared five tips for well-being in honor of Global Wellness Day on June 8.

May 2019
4 Skin Care Products You Should Be Using!
Spring is the beginning of many hours spent outside in the sun. If you’re looking to up your skin care game, we’ve outlined four favorite products below: 1. Sunscreen Protect the skin on your face and your body with a quality sunscreen. If you prefer to stay natural, reach for a mineral sunscreen that avoids chemical ingredients.

April 2019
Benefits to Exfoliating Your Skin
You’ve chosen the best cleanser, moisturize your skin daily and are never without sunscreen outdoors. Kudos to you! But if you aren’t exfoliating, you’re missing an important step of skin care that can aid in keeping skin healthy and youthful.

March 2019
Spring Clean Your Beauty Cabinet
Raise your hand if you have products over one year old in your beauty cabinet! Over two years old? Over five years old? Okay, we aren’t even going to ask over 10, but I bet there are a few of you who still have your hands raised.

February 2019
Adopt A New Valentine's Tradition; Celebrating Love Around The World
If the standard chocolate, teddy bears and red roses just aren’t going to cut it this year, we have a few borrowed suggestions from friends around the world to make your sweetheart swoon.

January 2019
New Year’s Resolutions You Should Actually Keep (And How We Do It)
There is a love/hate relationship with New Year’s resolutions, and we think it’s because we almost always fail to keep them. The percentage of Americans that stick to resolutions is under 10%. So we thought maybe we are all going about this wrong. There has to be a better way.